SAIN Home Page

Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse - Parent's Guide

The Legal Process

SAIN Members Information Area

Local Community Resources

Calendar of Events

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SAIN Contact

If you have a concern about a child's sexual behavior, the SAIN Program can help!!

Introducing a NEW support group
for parents of children
with sexual behavior challenges

Wednesday Evenings 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at
Mary Lee House
2806 N Armenia Ave
Tampa, FL  33607

 For more information,
please call 813-264-9955

Who We Are

SAIN is a collaboration of volunteer professionals working to reduce the incidence of sexual abuse in Hillsborough County, Florida through identifying, referring, supervising and treating children with sexual behavior problems.

SAIN Services

Provide community awareness, education and training workshops
to the community and professional organizations on issues related to healthy sexuality in youth and/or youth with sexual behavior problems.  Specialized presentations are offered by request.

Serve as an advocate for youth, families and professionals
seeking treatment for a child with sexual behavior problems.

Facilitate monthly cross system review and analysis of
child-on-child sexual abuse issues in Hillsborough County

Access to a specialized resource library
is available to all SAIN members.

Attend the next SAIN meeting
 on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm (NEW time).
Here is the schedule of meetings and the locations for 2014:

June 18, 2014 – Northside Mental Health Center
12512 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Tampa, FL 33612 . Gary Vitacco-Robles 813-644-6347

July 16, 2014 – Mary Lee’s House
2806 N Armenia Ave, Tampa, FL 33607 . Renee Ristow 813-250-6650

August 20, 2014 – Department of Juvenile Justice
4524 Oakfair Blvd Suite 100, Tampa, FL 33610 . Khalilah Daniels 813-376-4100

September 17, 2014 – G4S Youth Services - Outpatient Program
6306 Benjamin Road - Suite 605, Tampa, FL 33634 . Chip Royall 727-422-5303

October 15, 2014 – Crisis Center of Tampa Bay
14901 Crisis Center Plaza, Tampa, FL 33613 . 813-264-9955

November 19, 2014 – Northside Mental Health Center
12512 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Tampa, FL 33612 . Gary Vitacco-Robles 813-644-6347

December 17, 2014 – Northside Mental Health Center
12512 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Tampa, FL 33612 . Gary Vitacco-Robles 813-644-6347

Ask professionals who are addressing the issue of
child-on-child sexual abuse if they are participating in SAIN

Reducing incidents of child-on-child sexual abuse



Sexual Abuse Intervention Network (SAIN) Recognized as a Best Practice Model

Department of Children and Families (DCF) Secretary George H. Sheldon established a work group to determine the facts and circumstances surrounding the tragic death of 7-year-old Gabriel Myers. Gabriel died on April 16 when police indicated he apparently hanged himself in the shower of his foster parents' home. The work group was asked to conduct a full inquiry into the facts of the case, in light of case management and judicial decisions, as well as determine the contributing effects that psychotropic drugs and sexual abuse had.  On February 17, 2010, SAIN (Sexual Abuse Intervention Network of Hillsborough County) was asked to present to the work group addressing prevention, training, and intervention/treatment effective in reducing the prevalence of child on child sexual abuse in Hillsborough County.  In the Gabriel Myers Work Group Final Report date May 14, 2010, the Sexual Abuse Intervention Network of Hillsborough County (SAIN) was recognized as a best practice model.  The report findings noted “The Sexual Abuse Intervention Network (SAIN), currently engaged in Hillsborough and Broward Counties, is a best practice which should be funded by the State or locally in other major counties.”   View full Gabriel Myers Report under legal process section of this website.

Many thanks to the dedicated SAIN members who volunteer their time each month to make this network a success.

SAIN Home Page | Parents Guide | Legal Process | SAIN Members Information Area
Local Community Resources | Calendar of Events | Related Links | SAIN Contact

The initial design and creation of this website was funded through
 a grant from the Children's Board of Hillsborough County